How do I cancel a regular payment?

The steps for cancelling a regular payment depend on whether it is linked to your bank account (a direct debit) or to your credit or debit card (a recurring payment):

  • Cancel a direct debit linked to your transaction or savings account:
    1. Call us on 13 11 75 or visit your local Suncorp Bank Store with a completed Direct Debit Stop/Cancellation Request. This form requests your BSB and account number, and the debit user’s detail (i.e. the service provider the regular payment is set up with). It is possible to temporarily stop, or permanently cancel, a direct debit.
    2. Once received, Suncorp Bank will forward your instruction to cancel the direct debit to your service provider’s financial institution. You may contact your service provider to advise them, but it is not necessary.
  • Cancel a recurring payment linked to your Suncorp Bank Clear Options Credit Card or Suncorp Bank Visa Debit card:
    1. You must contact the service provider the recurring payment was established with and arrange for it to be cancelled. It is a good idea to keep any correspondence for reference.
    2. Your service provider (e.g. phone company or gym) cannot be contacted on your behalf when the recurring payment has been set up with a credit card or debit card. The onus is on you to cancel the recurring payment with your provider by asking for the recurring payment to be removed and confirming the credit card number or debit card number that is being removed.

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