Home Loan Calculators

Get an idea of how much you could borrow, what your repayments might be and how you can save

What will my mortgage repayments be?

Simply enter you home loan details, including the interest rate, to get an idea of either monthly, fortnightly or weekly instalments.


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How much can I save with extra repayments?

See how much interest you might be able to save by entering your existing loan repayment details, plus whatever additional amount you can contribute.


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How much can I borrow?

Find out approximately how much you may be able to borrow, based on your income and expenses.


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What will I be paying in government fees?

Estimate how much stamp duty and other government fees to allow for when putting together your budget.


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Get a loan key fact sheet

Generate a key fact sheet about any one of our loans to help you compare this home loan with the home loan of other lenders.


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What difference will offsetting my mortgage make?

See an estimate of the difference you can make to your overall interest payments by using an offset facility. Simply enter in your home loan details and the amount of savings you have available to offset.


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Make your next home loan move with confidence

What can I expect?

Whether you want to get pre-approval, a new loan or refinance your existing loan with Suncorp Bank, you can apply quickly online. We’ll reply within two hours or by the next business day.

Save time, get started online

Are you buying a home or looking to refinance?
You can apply online in as little as 20 minutes.

What can I expect?

100% obligation free advice

Our experienced home lending team are happy to answer all your lending questions. They’ll call you within two hours (or next business day) to discuss your home lending needs. 

If you’d like to speak to someone straightaway, please call 13 11 75 Mon-Fri 8am-7pm and Sat 9am-2pm (AEST)